Justin has his third and final stay in Germany for the summer.
Welcome Pritam Mahawar - a new postdoc in the lab!
Alex and Jason's work on oxidizing Ce(III) to Ce(IV) with Cu(I) salts is now out in Inorganic Chemistry!
Congratulations to Alex Gremillion who is Ph.D. #6 from the group! Good luck at TerraPower! Z-O-U!
Our collaboration with the Gessner group on thorium and uranium yldiides along with a rare bis(yldiide) with mercury is now out in Chemical Communications!
Welcome new graduate students, Mahdee Muhamed and Emily Truesdell! M-I-Z!
Welcome new undergraduate student, Emme Atzemis!
Robert and Ken's paper on U-Al and U-Ga bonds doing H2 activation is now out in Chemical Science!
Summer, Justin is in Erlangen, Germany this summer with Karsten Meyer's group.
Congratulations to Henry Jemison for earning his B.S. Chemistry with Honors! Henry is headed to Texas A&M University for graduate school.
January, Congratulations to Robert Ward who successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation! Z-O-U!
Robert's paper on CO functionalization is now out in Chemical Science!
June, Robert's paper on CO2 and CS2 reduction with U(III) metallocene aryloxides was accepted to Organometallics!
Summer, Justin is in Bochum, Germany this summer working with Viktoria Gessner's group at Ruhr Universität Bochum.
Congratulations to Jason Ross who successfully defended his M.S. thesis dissertation! Z-O-U!
December, Congratulations to Xhensila Xhani who successfully defended her M.S. thesis dissertation! Z-O-U!
Michael gets 5 papers published: 2 Inorg. Chem.; 1 Organometallics, 1 Chem. Eur. J., and 1 Acta Cryst E.
August 2021, Congratulations to Henry Jemison on being selected as a McNair Fellow!
August 2021, Congratulations to Alex Gremillion who was awarded a DOE SCSGR to work with Dr. Richard Wilson at Argonne National Lab!
August 2021, Welcome to the lab Patricia Lupu! M-I-Z!
May 2021, Welcome to the lab Nethra! M-I-Z!
March 2021, Congratulations to now Dr. Michael Tarlton on his graduation and postdoc at Argonne National Lab! Z-O-U!
February 2021, Welcome to the lab Henry Jemison! M-I-Z!
Justin was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers. He will work with his hosts, Prof. Viktoria Daeschlein-Gessner and Karsten Meyer, in the summers of 2022-2024.
Oct, 23, 2020, Congrats to Robert Ward on his 2nd publication of the year, "Two-Electron Reduction of a U(VI) Complex with Al(C5Me5)", published in Inorganic Chemistry!
May 2020, Congrats to Robert Ward on his publication of "Divergent uranium- versus phosphorus-based reduction of Me3SiN3 with steric modification of phosphido ligands" published in Chemical Science!
May 2020, Congrats to Michael Tarlton for his publication of "Insertion Reactivity of CO, CO2, tBuCN, and tBuNC into Thorium– and Uranium–Phosphorus Bonds" published in Organometallics!
Jan 2020, Welcome to the lab Xhensila and Jason!
Sept 2019, Alex Myers’ paper on the isolation of a Np(III) hydrocarbyl complex was published in Angewandte Chemie.
Aug 2019, Congratulations to Bruce Bursten! He will be the recipient of the ACS Award for Distinguished Service to Inorganic Chemistry.
June 2019, Justin was awarded as a Fuldner Fellow.
Nov 2018, Sean and Michael’s paper on functionalization of CO and tert-butyl nitrile was published in Angewandte Chemie.
August 2018, Alex Myers’ neptunium papers are published in Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Communications!
August 2018, Justin was awarded as a Fuldner Fellow.
June 2018, Welcome Alexander Gremillion (graduate), Jonathan Fajen (undergrad), and Steven Renfroe (undergrad) to the group! M-I-Z!
June 2018, Ken’s papers on thorium-phosphidos, U(III)-phosphido, and thorium and uranium carbene complexes were published in Inorganic Chemistry, Dalton Transactions, and Organometallics, respectively.
May 2018, Congratulations to Pokpong (Ken) Rungthanaphatsophon, the third Ph.D. awarded from the group! Ken will postdoc with Jamie Neely at St. Louis University. Z-O-U!
March 2018, Sean and Michael’s paper on insertion of benzophenone into thorium-phosphorus bonds was published in the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry as a special issue in honor of Justin’s Ph.D. advisor, Bill Evans.
October 2017, Ken’s paper on thorium carbene complexes was published in Angewandte Chemie!
Sept. 2017, Congratulations to Alex Myers who was awarded a DOE Fellowship! Alex will spend three months at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory working with Dr. Wayne Lukens.
August 2017, Kira’s paper on tris(pyrenyl) pnictogens was published in Dalton Transactions!
May 2017, Congratulations to Andrew Breshears, the second Ph.D. awarded from the Walensky group! Andrew will postdoc at Argonne National Laboratory.
Farewell to Kira who will return to Herriot-Watt University to finish her M.S. degree. Z-O-U!
April 2017, Justin received the MU President’s Award for Early Career Excellence!
March 2017, Justin received a Faculty Fellowship Summer Institute in Israel! He will spend June 1-14, 2017 traveling the country.
Dec. 2016. Behrle and Myers paper on uranium(III) and thorium(IV) DMBA complexes was published in Chemical Communications.
Welcome Robert Ward as a graduate student to the group! M-I-Z!
August 2016, Welcome Sean Vilanova as a postdoctoral researcher! Sean obtained his Ph.D. from Notre Dame with Vlad Iluc.
Pokpong’s (Ken) paper on copper clusters was published in Dalton Transactions!
June 2016, Farewell to Andrew Behrle. This dude did work!
Welcome Robert Ward as a summer student! M-I-Z!
April 2016, Behrle’s paper on thorium bis(phosphido) and bis(arsenido) complexes was published in Dalton Transactions as part of a special issue on New Talent: Americas!
Dec. 2015, Behrle’s paper on alkyl dithio- and diselenophosphinate complexes was published in Inorganic Chemistry!
Nov. 2015, Behrle’s paper on the first thorium phosphinidene complex was published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society!
August 2015, Congratulations to Alison Tamasi, the first Ph.D. awarded from the Walensky group! Alison will work at the Air Force Technical Applications Center.
Welcome Stephen Belford, an exchange student from Herriot-Watt University, Scotland, to the group!
Congratulations to Annie Kersting, Justin’s undergraduate research mentor at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, who is the recipient of the ACS Olin Medal!
Congratulations to Eric Schelter, winner of the ACS Harry Gray award for young inorganic chemist!
June 2015, Justin received a Department of Energy Early Career Award!
Justin was named Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies of the chemistry department. We are not sure if congratulations are in order…
May 2015, Farewell to Andrew Lane who will be attending Medical University of South Carolina’s School of Dental Medicine. Z-O-U!
April 2015, Congratulations to Matt Vollmer who received an NSF Predoctoral Fellowship! Matt joined Connie Lu’s group at the University of Minnesota.
Congratulations to Andrew Lane who successfully defended his M.S. dissertation!
Jan 2015, Congratulations to Matt Vollmer on his nuptials as well as his paper getting the cover of Organometallics!
Welcome Michael Tarlton as a new graduate student to the group! M-I-Z!
Dec 2014, Alex Myers officially joins as a member of the group! M-I-Z!
August 2014, Congratulations to Justin’s former Ph.D. advisor Bill Evans who will receive the ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry!
Congratulations to Jackie Kiplinger, winner of the ACS Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry!
July 2014, Welcome Alex Myers as a summer student!
March 2014, Congratulations to Alison Tamasi who received a Troutner Radiochemistry Scholarship Award!
Dec. 2013, Welcome Vickie, Pokpong, and Andrew as graduate students to the group! M-I-Z!
Congratulations to Matt Vollmer on graduating with honors with a B.S. in chemistry! Matt is staying with the group until he goes to grad school. Z-O-U!!
Justin gave the December 2013 commencement address for the College of Arts & Science!
Nov. 2013, Justin received another round of funding through the Nuclear Forensics Junior Faculty Award Program!
October 2013, Mitch’s collaborative paper with the Bart and Shores groups was accepted to Chemistry – A European Journal.
Sept. 2013, Welcome to Julia Garza as an undergraduate in the group! M-I-Z!!
August 2013, Behrle’s paper on dithio- and diselenophosphonate actinide complexes was accepted to Inorganic Chemistry.
Farewell to Morgan Moody and Agnes Mrutu who will be leaving but not too far. Morgan is moving to St. Louis and Agnes will be teaching here at Mizzou.
June 2013, Welcome Neal Lacey to the group as a Stevens Summer Fellow! Neal is from New College of Florida.
Justin is guest editor for Comments on Inorganic Chemistry for a special issue (volume 34, issues 3-4) in honor of John Fackler.
May 2013, Congratulations to Alison Tamasi who received a Nuclear Forensics Graduate Fellowship through the Department of Homeland Security, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office!
Agnes’ paper on thorium with a diazabutadiene redox-active ligand was accepted to European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry as part of a special issue on small molecule activation by reactive metal complexes.
Congratulations to John Clizer on graduating Summa Cum Laude and with honors with a B.S. in chemistry! John will pursue a law degree from the University of Missouri, Columbia. Z-O-U!!
Congratulations to Andrew Lane on graduating with a B.S. in biological sciences! Andrew will attend Dental School. Z-O-U!!
April 2013, Our collaborative effort with the Hayton group at UC Santa Barbara was (finally) published in Inorganic Chemistry for a forum issue on Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry Related to Nuclear Energy.
Alison’s paper on uranyl salicylaldiminate complexes was accepted in Radiochimica Acta.
Congratulations to Matt Vollmer for being named a part of the College of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program! Matt will work over the summer to synthesize transition metal complexes.
March 2013, Agnes, Andrew, and Jon’s paper on transition metal salicylaldiminate complexes was accepted in Polyhedron.
Feb. 2013, Justin was awarded an SEC travel grant to work with Dr. Gregory Robinson at the University of Georgia.
Jan. 2013, Welcome Andrew Breshears, a new graduate student in the lab! M-I-Z!!
Dec. 2012, As part of his Howard Hughes Fellowship, Andrew Lane helps explain the nuclear fuel cycle and how the Walensky group research attempts to learn more about closing the fuel cycle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqy4y5zf7tY
Congratulations to Morgan and Maya Moody on the birth of their beautiful baby girl!
Nov. 2012, Farewell to Alison Tamasi who will be finishing her Ph.D. research at Los Alamos National Laboratory with Marianne Wilkerson!
Oct. 2012, The group was awarded a subcontract with Lawrence Livermore National with Dr. Patrick Huang to study lanthanide-ligand bonding.
August 2012, Welcome Andrew Behrle, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab! Andrew obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Toledo with Joe Schmidt.
Congratulations to Ashley Dame who was awarded a Division of Inorganic travel grant to attend the American Chemical Society meeting in Philadelphia.
June 2012, Welcome Morgan Moody, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab! Morgan obtained his Ph.D. from Mizzou with Paul Sharp.